Monday 27 February 2017

Q.5.1 There has been an exponential increase in the usage of smart phones in the last decade. Some students now use smart phones to cheat on tests and assignments. Develop an Acceptable Use Policy concerning the use of smart phones for the Independent Institute of Education to be implemented at the various campuses.

No cellphone image. [Online] [Accessed: 20 April 2017].

Digital Rights and Responsibilities

For every privilege, there is a responsibility (Ribble & Bailey, 2007).

Cell Phone Policy

1. Background
1.1 Cellphones are vital in communication, however, it is an accessory and not a necessity.
1.2 The IIE recognises the need to be in possession of a cellphone, but concerned about the
      usage thereof.
1.3 The following policy has been approved.

2.  Legislation
2.1 The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996.
2.2 The South African School Act, Act 84 of 1996.

3.  General
3.1 The college takes no responsibility of lost electronic devices for learners, staff or visitors
      once entered onto the premises.
3.2 All electronic devices (cellphones, smartphones, laptops, iPad's, etc), must be turned off and
      put away during class, especially during tests, examination and assignment times.  That
      means no texting, no surfing the web, no gaming or answering calls.
3.3 The only device that is allowed is a real calculator (not a cellphone calculator).  If caught using
      any electronic device, it will be considered as cheating and will result in an automatic failure.
3.4 Please inform your instructor of any emergency that would require you to have your cellphone
      on during that session.

Thank you for your co-operation.


Cellphone Policy. 2014 [Online]. Available at:

[Accessed 26 April 2017].

Digital Citizenship Module Manual 2016 (First Edition: 2015)

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